"When someone treats you like an option, help them narrow their choices by removing yourself from the equation"
1st September 2013

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Wordless Wednesday #8

Bihun Sup Bertemu  Ais Kacang ! Panas-panas pekena ni memang heaven ! 

With love, Ainsya Yusoff


reen afny said...

sikit.. hmmmm aku lunch makan kueh dan milo ais buatan sendiri je do. sobsob

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

uish sedapnya nmpak..lapaq tros..hehe

Ainsya Yusoff said...

Reen : Sedapnyer milo air buatan sendiri. Nakkk !! Tabur milo sekali yer ;)

Syafa : Sedap kan !! Lagi-lagi panas-panas camni :)

Ainsya Yusoff by Ainsya Yusoff Studio